Building a Stud Wall Cost

Last updated 24th July, 2024

Installing a stud partition wall is a really smart way to create an extra room in your home without extensive expansion.

Thankfully, if you have decent DIY skills, you can install a partition wall yourself.

Below we’ll consider the average cost (usually between £800 and £900) to fit a stud wall and all the other costs associated with stud wall construction.

stud wall installation

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How Much Does a Stud Wall Cost?

Let’s get down to the nitty-gritty. How much does a stud wall cost?

Well, like most people, you might prefer to get a handyman to deal with the issue in which case you should consider labour and material costs.

Generally speaking, a professional will charge you between £800-£900 to install an average stud wall, and the job should take about 2-3 days.

However, this is assuming there are no other charges to consider, and there is no other major job to do.

What factors can affect the cost of a partician wall?

There are several factors that could change the stud wall price; this includes factors such as the number of stud walls you want.

For instance, if you have a very large room and want to divide it into three smaller rooms rather than two, then you can imagine you’ll need an extra stud wall which will cost extra.

Furthermore, things like electrical fittings and radiator installation are also factors that could increase the price of the project.

Also, there are less evident factors that could affect the cost, like the location of your property.

This simply means that the farther a carpenter or contractor has to travel to reach you, the more you are likely to pay.

What's more, the size and location of your stud wall might be factored into the total price, so larger rooms will cost more as they require more material.

On top of that...

If the location you want your stud wall installed is difficult to access or there are other factors that could make the job of the professional more challenging, then you can expect that this will also come out of your pocket.

With all of that said, you might want something a little more specific in which case you should consider the stud wall cost per m2 which should come to about £2-£5.

With all these considerations, you should have a better idea about how you want to go about sorting out your stud walls!

Stud Wall Prices

For a deeper dive into how much you might need to spend to get your stud walls up and running, you should examine the table below.

Installing a stud wall £800 2- 3 days
Stud wall with radiator £1000 3- 4 days
Stud wall with radiator and light fitting £1125 3- 4 days
Two stud walls £1600 2- 4 days

Additional Costs

Now that you know the cost to build a stud wall, we can now examine a few other considerations that could cost you extra.

While we have considered some of the above, including the ease of access, location of the property, size of the wall, and so on, the costs don’t end there.

For instance, you might fancy finding out how much electric gates cost as they are a great option for securing your home.

Besides, there are other things to consider that directly affect the room(s) you’re renovating.


One example is painting since you won’t want your wall bare once it is installed.

For several people, they go down the DIY route to save money on the project.

However, not everyone has that luxury of time, so if you’re a busy person with no time to do it yourself, or just not skilled in doing it yourself, then you can always hire a painter to do the job.

Of course, this will cost you a bit, but it shouldn’t be more than about £250-£300 for an average-sized room.

You should note that the price given for painting a room is based on the assumption that the room is average-sized and has been prepared for the painter with no obstructions.

But, if the contractor has to strip the room or move furniture around, you can expect to pay around £300- £550 for labour.

There are also other costs to consider including the size of the room, the amount of paint used, ease of access, and so on.

Moreover, if you are dividing one room into three, and you want to paint all the walls, that will also increase the price.

As mentioned before, the size of the room is also important to note as a painter will probably need some help if the job is much larger than usual in which case you’ll need to also consider the other person.

Thankfully, the job doesn’t take up too much time and can be done in about 3-4 hours.

Though the painter is likely to come around the next day to add a second layer of paint, and for this reason, it is wise to have more than one room done as this saves you money in the long run.


This is another important part of the renovation process as this helps to further protect the walls and make it easier to decorate.

On average, a plasterer will charge about £100-£200 for a job which should take less than six hours.

But, just like other jobs, there are a few factors that could increase the price, including the size of the job and the location of the property.

For instance, if the whole room needs to be plastered, then it should cost about £300-£400.

Meanwhile, if you want two rooms plastered, then you can budget around £500-£600 for the job which might take a day or two.

However, if it’s only a small patch of the wall that needs a fix, then the job is a lot cheaper, but since there’s a minimum fee to be paid, you will pay between £100-£120.

Cost Breakdown Calculator

Individual cost for installing a stud wall - Total Cost: £700






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Labour Costs and Time Frames

Installing a stud wall is a labour-intensive job and can take anywhere from 24-48 hours.

This is with the assumption that the wall is an average-sized one, as certain factors can increase the amount of time that the job takes.

For instance, installing a radiator with the door costs about £1000-£1200 and will take a little longer, typically around 3-4 days.

Meanwhile, if you want to have light fittings also installed, you can assume that you should spend between £1125-£1300 and should take around the same amount of time as fitting a new radiator with the stud wall.

Besides, there are other things to take into consideration, including the size and number of stud walls being installed.

If you have two stud walls to be installed, this should cost around £1500-£1600 and will take up to three days.

What is a Stud Wall?

In the simplest terms, a stud is a vertical framing member which constitutes a part of a wall.

They function to support and protect the wall and are generally made of timber.

That said, there are wooden and steel stud walls.

While wooden stud walls are more popular and cheaper, steel studs have become increasingly trendy for homeowners.

Furthermore, the walls come in two common dimensions: 1-1/2 inches X 3-1/2 inches, otherwise known as two-by-fours and 1-1/2 inches X 5-1/2 inches also called two-by-sixes.

Also, you can easily purchase them up to 16 feet from just about any supply or building store.


As to how they work, studs are usually installed at a 90-degree angle to the wall to strengthen the wall while also creating adequate space for the placement of wires, pipes, and insulation.

That’s not all as studs are also placed between the top and bottom plates which are then screwed to the stud’s ends.

Moreover, studs are evenly spaced either at 16 or 24 inches for the sake of uniformity and also to line up perfectly with the ends of sheet materials.

Stud walls have been in use for quite a while and aren’t too expensive to put up, especially if you want to do it yourself.

Cost Affecting Factors of Installing Stud Walls

As mentioned earlier, the typical stud partition wall cost with no attachments or extra installations should cost somewhere in the region of £800-£900.

However, there are a few factors that could increase the price and see you spend a bit more money.

These are the considerations we’ll examine below to give you a better picture of how much money you might end up spending.

Size of the Wall

As with most other projects that need the help of a professional, size is always a factor that you need to consider.

If you have a really large room that requires an equality-sized stud wall to partition it, then you are looking at a bit of extra money.

This isn’t only for the amount of work, but also to hire another hand if the tradesperson cannot fulfil the job alone.

This also affects the time frame as a normal stud wall installation shouldn’t take more than a day or two, but if the wall is bigger and needs a bit more attention, then you might need to wait over 2 days before the job is finished and you can use the room again.

Number of Stud Walls

How many stud walls do you want to be installed? This will naturally bring about an increase in the money spent as it requires more work.

For instance, if you have a really large room that you want partitioning into three spaces rather than two, or multiple large rooms that you want partitioning, this will increase the amount you’ll spend having them installed.


Your thinking and consideration should also take hiring extra hands into consideration as your professional might need some help with the installation.

In conclusion, you can safely assume that installing two stud walls will cost you about double the amount of one and so on.

Ease of Access

Before a stud wall is installed, there needs to be some prepping.

This could include clearing the space where the stud wall is to be located or getting rid of obstacles that could hinder the progress of the professional that comes to fix the wall.

So, the cost of the stud wall will increase depending on how easy or difficult it is to reach the location of the wall.

For instance, if the contractor needs to clear out the room, or handle the prepping process, you can expect that to get added to their invoice.

Also, if the stud wall is to be located in an area of the house that is challenging to reach for whatever reason, then that will also factor into the overall cost.

That’s not all, as the process of prepping could also include removing electrical fixtures and other obstructions which can be a hassle will also be added to the bill at the end of the day.

Therefore, if you want to save money, you can try and prep the room as much as possible before the professional arrives, so they have less to do.

Not only does this save money, but time as well.

Location of Property

This has been mentioned earlier in the article as a consideration to keep in mind when installing a stud wall.

Therefore, the farther away the contractor is from your home; the more expensive the project will be.

This is also pertinent with remote areas as specialists there might be more expensive due to higher demand.

Hence, to cut costs, you are advised to find a contractor that isn’t too far from you.

What Does Installing Stud Walls Entail?

So, if you are looking to build a stud wall yourself, or want to have an idea of what your handyman is doing while installing the stud wall, here is a guide of all the steps involved in the creation of the wall.

It shouldn’t be too difficult to keep up all you need to do is pay close attention to the following steps, and you will have no problem tackling the project, or at least you will not be confused by what the professional is doing.

What Will You Need?

As with every other project on the face of the earth, you need to first collect all the pertinent materials before you get to work.

This includes timbers, braces and so on. If a professional is handling it, then you don’t need to worry about the materials.


But just for knowledge sake, your handyman will probably have timber, nails, frames, power tools, and so on.


The next thing the professional will do is to take the necessary measurements to know the length of the wall.

This step might also be taken before gathering the necessary materials to ensure that you buy the right amount of materials as this will prevent a situation where you are left stranded with only part of the wall finished and no resources to continue the job.

Next, the professional will check the floor and ceiling to ensure that they are level; this is to ensure that there are no gaps that require fixing.

The preparation process also includes getting rid of electrical outlets and other hindrances that could affect the new wall.

This could also include light fixtures and so on and you should note that this will likely cost you more money

Pay close attention to the person working on the wall to ensure that the wall is fastened to the bare floor.

This will prevent your wall from shifting and becoming unstable.

Set Up Support Joists

Once all the prep work is done, the contractor can begin.

The first thing to be done is to mark the position of any existing studs to determine if the wall can be securely fastened.

Then checking to determine the position of the floor joists is also important as this ensures that the wall is supported by the joists below.

If the floor joists are in place, then the job becomes a lot easier.

If not, then new ones will need to be implemented to provide adequate support for the new wall.


The floor plate comes next, and it is installed once you cut up the timber to the length of your floor.


Then, it is nailed down to the joists to provide adequate support and provide sturdiness.

However, if you are going to add a door, the contractor might just put in a nail as it’ll be removed later to make way for the door.


As mentioned earlier, wall studs are sandwiched between a floor and ceiling portion, and they provide a frame for the wall which secures it steadily.

Getting the Studs Set Up

With the borders set and ready to go, the next step is the placement of the vertical studs.

Each stud is measured individually so that it fits perfectly into its designated slot.

Installing Noggins

Noggins are horizontal items that run parallel with the top and bottom plates between the studs.

They function to provide extra strength for the wall’s centre. Therefore, they’ll need to be installed in the wall is to serve adequately.

So, each noggin is measured carefully and installed between each stud.

Doorway Section

This is an optional feature as you might now want a door with the new wall.

If necessary, note that it will cost you extra, but it doesn’t take too much work as the handyman will simply cut out any unnecessary section from the doorway.

Then the door will be installed in the centre, and the nail used to hold down the joist in that area will be removed.

In some cases, the contractor might use the extra bits from the doorway as a header piece.

It should be noted that all the steps above will look slightly different if you are setting up a steel stud wall.

This is because not only is steel more expensive, but it is also a bit more challenging to cut.

Also, the studs are placed into specially made tracks to hold them together.

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DIY Stud Wall Installation

DIY is a great option when trying to save some money on the installation of a stud wall.

However, you need to ensure that you have the basic knowledge necessary before pulling it off.

You can undertake the entire process of building a new wall, and all you’ll really need from a legal standpoint is approval under the Building Regulations 2000.

This is to ensure that there is adequate space between the new habitable area and the remainder.

Also, in case of a new door, it is also imperative that it is fire resistant and self-closing.

Once these two are determined, you should have no problems.

As mentioned earlier, DIY saves a lot of money with most of your spending going instead towards the materials you’ll need to buy.


Speaking of materials, a timber stud wall cost should be around £2-£5 per m², and depending on the size of the wall, you might not need to spend too much.

But, if you aren’t confident in your building skills, it might be best to leave this to the professionals as this could be a cheaper option in the long run.

For instance, if the wall isn’t properly installed, it could constitute a hazard, or it might not get the necessary approval which will then require you to get a professional to install it and cost more.

If your building skills are inadequate, but you still want to save some money, you can start the prepping process before the arrival of the professional.

This could include clearing out the room to engender easy access to the wall.

Also, if you can remove any light fixtures or electrical outlets, this could also reduce the amount of money you’ll need to stump up.

Finally, if you want metal stud walls, these are a lot trickier, and there is an even smaller margin for error.

Therefore, if you can get a professional, it is best to do so to avoid any unfortunate circumstances.

Benefits of Installing a Stud Wall

Having stud walls in your home is a great idea, and there are a couple of advantages attached to it that you should consider.

It Is Cheaper Than Expansion

It’s a lot cheaper to have a stud wall installed in your home than creating an extension that involves way more work.

Materials Are Easier To Get

Procuring the materials you need to put up a stud wall is no problem at all, and your local store should have all that is needed.

Easy To Manage

Also, going down the DIY route with stud walls is a lot easier than attempting an extension.

Therefore, if you have the requisite knowledge, you can buy a few materials and get to work with no problems at all.

Building Regulations for Stud Walls

The building regulations 2000 is the guiding law for projects requiring internal walls.

There is no need to apply for approval; however, it is best that you follow the guidelines not only for your safety, but to keep on the right side of the law.


If it is discovered that the regulations were not followed, you might be required to return the space to its former state, which might cost you some money.

That said, the regulations that need to be followed are as follows:

  • Ensure that there is a window in each of the new rooms to make escape easier in case of a fire.
    Also, the wall should be protected against fire to prevent swift spreading in case of an emergency
  • Sound insulation might be required so as to prevent potential inconvenience
  • Each new room must be well ventilated so that there is adequate comfort for the occupants of either room.

There might be a few other things to consider, but in the above, we have highlighted the most important.

Stud Wall Insulation Cost

It might become necessary to insulate your stud wall, but this is usually done when other methods are impossible.

Hence, professionals will fill the space between the grid and the wall insulation material.

Then, plasterboard is attached to the frame to act as a wall material.

Apart from using stud walls, insulation can also be achieved through cavity and external wall insulation.

As for cost, this depends on a number of factors, but you can work around a region of £30-£40 per m².

Cost of Removing Stud Walls

There are a few reasons you might want to remove a stud wall, including if you want more space, or if there is a problem with the current wall.


Removing a stud wall probably needs the attention of a professional and would cost anything from £1200-£1750.


Typically, a two-by-four wall stud is 3 ½ inches wide. When you then add the ½-inch drywall on both sides, it brings the total wall thickness to 4 ½ inches.

It should be noted that walls that contain plumbing and pipes should be thicker.
Not really, but to ensure that this is no longer a problem, building regulations stipulate some sort of sound insulation when putting up stud walls.
Yes. As a matter of fact, this is the only way to effectively create smaller rooms from a larger one.

This is because solid walls have to be built directly above existing solid ground floor walls
A stud finder is a device that is used to locate framing studs behind walls.

They are typically used when hanging stuff on the wall to find the optimal location.

Also, there are two types: magnetic and electrical stud finders.
There are various materials you could use; mineral rule is pretty popular as it helps to raise thermal efficiency and retains heat excellently.

How to Find & Hire a Stud Wall Installer

Finding a stud wall installer isn’t too difficult, and there are several websites that help you out in this regard.

That said, it is important to ensure that the person you engage is qualified for the job.

Therefore, you should ask how much experience the person has and what accreditations they have.

Also, you can engage companies who have a roster of professionals as they generally tend to have vetted work people on their books.
