Structural Engineer Cost

Last updated 21st February, 2024

Do you need a structural engineer?

This article discusses all things about the cost of a structural engineer including structural drawings, structural engineers report and structural calculations. We've got you covered!!

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How Much Does a Structural Engineer Cost?

While you may be familiar with the phrase structural engineer, you may not be aware of all the important duties for which they are trained. Structural engineers are important not just during additions but also during renovations and demolitions.

Structural engineers may also aid with safety concerns such as determining how feasible or secure a structure will be. They also recommend improvements to guarantee a project is structurally sound and even assist with selecting appropriate materials for construction projects.

The cost of a structural engineer is usually higher for larger properties. Because structural engineers work on a wide range of projects, the cost of each project will vary. An examination of a structure, for example, is frequently less expensive than planning and implementing a big refurbishment. So, if you are looking at hiring a structural engineer, this article will break down the prices of a structural engineer and how the prices vary.

two men in hard hat looking at plans

The strength and stability of our buildings and bridges are designed by structural engineers, who are highly trained and innovative specialists. Structural engineers work on everything from bridges, roller coasters, and skyscrapers to hospitals, residences, and public artworks to help build record-breaking structures, beautiful structures, helpful structures, and occasionally just cool structures.

They collaborate with architects, builders, and other engineers as part of a team. They ensure that the structure functions properly in practice, based on its intended use: for example, a dance floor should not vibrate excessively when people bounce up and down on it.

A structural engineer's role is to examine your area with the improvements you wish to make in mind. They can design any type of home! The next step is to construct a structural plan, or drawing, after a structural engineer inspection. The structural drawing will show you the project's plan, measurements, and any other details.


Structural engineers assist in the design and construction of structures so that they remain standing after the scaffolding has been removed. A structural engineer may be required for a new home, but so will a skyscraper, a new opera house, or a new sports stadium.

They visualise what the building will look like before it is even created, which allows a map of the building, so the builders know where to start.


It is necessary to construct aircraft, satellites, and even spacecraft. A structural engineer's participation is critical in this process. They must design a building that can not only survive the rigours of its environment but also work consistently under those conditions. Aeroplanes aren't only places to fly from point A to point B; they're also places of comfort and safety, thanks in part to the way their constructions have been created.

aeroplan engine

Oil and Gas

A structural engineer working in the oil and gas business can work on a variety of projects. Whether it's a pipeline, a rig, or a gas or oil field, one thing that all exploration of this kind has in common is the size of the buildings. So, whether you're creating, testing, or inspecting equipment, be prepared to work on large projects.


While passenger ships, cargo ships, and other types of boats make up most of the engineering done at sea, a structural engineer working in the nautical area may just as readily construct and maintain non-moving structures like wind turbines or even those that support oceanography.


Whether it's a footbridge over a stream, a rail bridge over a canyon, or a road bridge crossing an ocean, each project will necessitate the involvement of a structural engineer to ensure that the bridge works in harmony with its surroundings. The engineer's plans will assist ensure that the bridge can carry its load as safely on days when the weather is extreme as it can on days when things are normal.

people looking at a brige


A structural engineer can also perform a structural property survey. They will examine the structure of your home to see if there are any issues such as cracking, water damage, subsidence, or sagging roofs.

The cost of a thorough structural survey is determined by various criteria, including the property's size, type, and location. For a survey to be conducted, you may expect to pay somewhere between £500 and £1500.

On the premise that they have easy access to the property, your report will be delivered in 7-10 days from the date of instruction. If it has all gone through, then the process can begin.

Structural Engineer Hourly Rate

Having a skilled structural engineer work on your project will keep you and any contractors on-site for the construction safe in the future. When you're drafting out the building regulations for your project, you'd generally hire one to assist you.

They will supply you with the necessary structural calculations for the project to commence at this point. A competent engineer will be able to assist with this by using high-level mathematical skills. This, combined with their better understanding of physics, allows them to compute the level of security that any property will provide. However, many individuals are curious as to how much this structural calculation will cost.

drawing up plans

The total structural engineer cost will be determined by the work required, the number of visits required, your location concerning them, and the construction elements involved. Many engineers in this industry prefer to bill on an hourly basis. When estimating the cost of your project, £90 per hour is a starting point as this is the average hourly rate for structural engineering.

However, different parts of the UK charge varying rates. Below is a table of the average costs for a structural price per hour.

Location Cost
North-west £50-£70
North-east £60-£70
South-west £60-£80
South-east £70-£90

The cost of a structural engineer is determined by the nature of the job, the property aspects involved, the number of visits, and, of course, your location. Several structural engineers charge by the hour, while others prefer to assess your home, review your remodelling plans, and provide a final price once they have a complete understanding of what must be done.

As you can see from our data, the cost per hour fluctuates between £50 and £90, and the hours are usually 9 am-5 pm, and weekend work may be available for some jobs.

Structural Engineer Daily Rate

Some structural engineers pay daily; therefore, they tend to charge a set price for the whole day. This is sometimes harder to calculate as you need to figure out the hours worked, materials used, and the job's complexity.

Structural engineer costs range from £90 per hour up to £400 per week. Some companies or engineers will charge a flat rate for services. For example, the average cost of a walk-around survey begins at roughly £225.

A structural engineer will charge around £400 a week for a very basic residential project, while a more complex or large private residential project can cost up to £5,000.

Fees for structural engineers can be calculated as a percentage of the overall project cost, as a fixed lump sum, or as a time charge. The cost of an appointment is determined by the nature of the project and the circumstances surrounding the appointment.

Large new-build projects may have lower percentage fees than modest renovations. Commercial work may have cheaper rates than private residential construction, and renovations to historic or listed structures may have higher fees.

The average structural engineer price per day is around £400-£500 per half-day; however, this can change due to the location of the job. Certain parts of the UK are known to be more expensive to live. Therefore, this leads to an increase in tradesperson rates.

The table below will discuss the average daily rates across the UK, and you will see how the prices vary due to where they are based in the UK.

Location Cost
North-West £350-£400
North-East £300-£400
South-West £400-£450
South-East £450-£500

However, the price can also vary depending on the job. Sometimes flaws within buildings can be added with an additional charge which would affect the daily rates. The following are examples of common flaws:

  • Wall cracks or bulges or wall/mortar erosion can be dangerous to the home.
  • Walls or constructions that are leaning, for example, chimney stacks.
  • Subsidence or ground movement.
  • Roots of trees generating structural or drainage problems that need to be fixed.
  • Roof sagging or spreading.
  • Stability of a damaged structure, for example, if a home went through fire damage.
  • Floors with slants that make it awkward to build on.
  • Beams that are cracked or sagging.
  • Doors or window frames that have been distorted.

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Structural Engineer Qualifications

Structural engineers collaborate with customers, architects, contractors, and other technical experts to improve existing structures by adding additional structural safety features. Structural engineers' responsibilities normally include:

  • Using computer-aided design software to create engineering plans
  • Examining the qualities of various construction materials
  • Calculating the loads and stresses on various components of a structure
  • Using computer models to forecast how constructions will behave in different weather situations

You'll need math and science knowledge, as well as problem-solving abilities, to execute this work. This could be the perfect career for you if you're interested in building design and structure and have many creative ideas.

A degree or postgraduate qualification in structural or civil engineering is usually required. You might be able to get started with a degree in a related field, such as construction, architecture, or mathematics, but it will take you longer to qualify.

Related skills for a structural engineer also include:

  • Communication as the job includes teamwork.
  • Creativity to help you visualise the end goal.
  • Organising your finances, so you know you are earning enough money for the work.
  • Personality traits
  • IT as computer work is needed.
  • Numeracy for the measurements.
  • Resolving issues as not everything always goes to plan, always have a plan B
  • Organising time to get the job done on the deadline.

Structural Engineer Insurance

Structural engineers are problem solvers, organisers, calculators, and designers who tailor a solution to fit a client's vision. They must have proper cover in place to safeguard themselves and third parties due to the complexity of this activity.

Structural engineers will usually have professional Indemnity insurance, which will cover the legal fees incurred if poor service is provided, resulting in financial damage to the client.

someone inspecting a crane and building site

You should also make sure the structural engineer you hire has public liability insurance. This will protect them If a client or a member of the public claims that they have been injured or their property has been damaged as a result of their business activity.

They may also have employer's liability insurance which protects all employees working on a project should an injury or damage occur while on the job.

How to Find and Hire a Structural Engineer You Can Trust

When people discover they require the services of a structural engineer, they are often at a loss because they have never hired one before and have no idea where to look, what to look for, or what questions to ask. When selecting a structural engineer, there are things to look for, such as:

  1. Recommendations from the right places

It's a good idea to hire a Structural Engineer that comes highly recommended, either from friends and family who have had work done for them or from a reputable industry directory.

You can get a reference from your architect. Although Architects do not perform the duties of a Structural Engineer, most competent Architects have a strong understanding of structural issues. However, they are not certified to provide structural advice.

Although some architectural firms employ in-house engineers, the majority will use outside firms. On the other hand, most structural engineers have a basic understanding of architectural issues, but in most cases, members of both disciplines are required for a conventional construction project.

  1. Look for a structural engineer with the qualifications

Ensure your structural engineer has a C.Eng. after their name, which stands for Chartered Engineer, and is a member of the Institution of Structural Engineers or the Institution of Civil Engineers, respectively.

These two disciplines overlap to a great extent, and either qualification will suffice in most circumstances. The former is more suited to extremely complicated and "state of the art" constructions, whilst the latter is better suited to foundations and geotechnical issues.

Most mortgage firms and building insurers will accept either qualification on a domestic level. A member of either organisation is immediately Chartered.

  1. Look at their previous projects or references.

Most structural engineers' websites will list previous projects, so that's an excellent place to start. Look for projects that are similar in size and scope to what you're asking them to perform. If they mostly display their larger commercial clients, and you're only looking for a steel beam to knock through a wall, there's a potential they'll overcharge you if they're attempting to steer away from modest residential work.

  1. Look for a company with a long and consistent track record.

Most structural engineers have a bachelor's degree and at least four years of experience. Still, a lot can be learned through experience in this sector, which may be essential when it comes to your money and your family's safety.

A Structural Engineer from a small firm, for example, may not bother to visit the site if they believe the job is straightforward. However, a more experienced structural engineer will always request to visit the site because they know that it may reveal additional issues such as ground movement or wood rot. If you're working with a local company, a site visit is something you should expect - and demand.

Finally, keep in mind that while the firm may have been operating for decades, the Structural Engineer you are assigned may not have much expertise, so scrutinise both the individual Structural Engineer and the organisation.


When doing a renovation or making changes to your home that may influence its stability, you may require the help of a structural engineer. A structural engineer is required for any project that modifies the structure of the building or requires building control approval.
A structural engineer oversees creating and developing physical structures that can withstand external forces. They are in charge of assuring the structural integrity of each component, such as beams, foundations, columns, and floors.
Structural engineers are experts in determining a home's or building's structural soundness. They assess issues and propose remedies. They can also assess a structure's strength, durability, and safety. This usually refers to the structure as well as any associated structures such as retaining walls, garages, and new additions.
Structural engineers are experts at determining a home or building's structural integrity. They assess issues and come up with remedies. They can assess a structure's strength, long-term viability, and safety. This usually refers to the structure as well as any linked structures such as retaining walls, garages, and new additions.
There may be other structural difficulties in addition to the cost and time commitment of renovation initiatives. For example, you must determine whether a wall is load-bearing before dismantling it. In basements, you may also want to fix slanted flooring or bowed walls.
A structural engineer should be consulted before any major retrofitting or remodelling project. They can give suggestions, conduct a review, and prevent your newly redesigned structure from collapsing on you.


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